So as they say one picture is as strong as a thousand words and here you have it guys in the latest Study Edition of the Watchtower for October 2024 that has just been posted on their website a middle aged jw window cleaner dreaming of the new system where things will get better. Why does the Watchtower need to talk now about jws on minial self employed jobs? The answer is given on the first paragraph of Study Article 43 with the title how to overcome your doubts:
PEOPLE of all ages have doubts at times. For example, imagine a young Witness who wonders if Jehovah is really interested in him. He may be unsure about getting baptized. Or think about a middle-aged brother who in his youth chose to pursue Kingdom interests rather than a career in this world. With the family budget now stretched to the limit, he may be having second thoughts
People are having doubts now because they were given bad financial advise in the past by the Watchtower. Instead of pursuing a prosperous career in their younger years and have enough to retire in their older years they were instead given bad advise by the Watchtower to pursue pioneering and live off goverment benefits while doing minial jobs like window cleaning or gardening. Nothing wrong with window cleaning or gardening what is wrong is that a super rich organization convinced them to abandon going into university, getting a degree or sacrifice lucrative jobs so they can work free of charge for them. Now that these people are looking back on what they sacrificed they are having doubts about this organization. Paragraph 10
expands on this thought even further:
Later in life, some could think back and wonder whether they made the right decisions. Perhaps they decided to give up a promising career or a successful business in order to serve Jehovah more fully. Now time has passed, perhaps even decades. They may see acquaintances who pursued secular interests and who now enjoy apparent financial security. As a result, they may wonder: ‘Were the sacrifices I made for Jehovah worth it? Or did they cause me to miss other opportunities?’
It is the living standards crisis that is currently hitting every person on the planet, higher gas prices, higher food prices, higher rend or mortgages rates. People don't have the time or the energy anymore to indulge crazy cult directives. They finally admitted themselves in the first paragraph that people are struggling when they say " with the family budget now stretched to the limit, they may have doubts."
SInce they admit to thisproblem what practical solution do they have to offer? Are you ready for it? OK, close your eyes, now imagine you are standing in God's heavenly sanctuary, now feel refreshed and think of all the nasty people gone.Ok? Problem solved.That is the solution. You don't believe me? read on in paragraph 12
The psalmist went to the peaceful setting of Jehovah’s sanctuary. There, he was able to think clearly. He discerned that even though the life of some might seem easy, their long-term future was precarious. With this insight, he found peace of mind, knowing that pursuing spiritual things was the very best decision. As a result, he renewed his determination to continue serving Jehovah...You can find similar peace of mind with the help of God’s Word. How? Contemplate the value of what you have—including treasures in heaven—and compare this to the outcome for those whose only reward is what this world has to offer. They may completely rely on their achievements in this life because they anticipate nothing else in the future. For you, however, Jehovah promises blessings far beyond anything you could ever imagine. (Ps. 145:16) Also, consider this: Can we ever really know how our life would have turned out if we had made different decisions?
So their solution is an imaginary once as you see in this photo of the aging jw window cleaner dreaming of Paradise. Or in other words the fulfill the words of James 2:16 of the evil slave, where it says in New Living Translation:
And you (=the governing body) say, “Good-bye and have a good day (=jw window cleaners in a stretched family budget); stay warm and eat well”—but then you don’t give that person any food or clothing. What good does that do?
And since they pride themselves being like the first century Christians, let's see what the early Christian Church did when the Brotherhood encountered a standard of living crisis in Acts 2:44-46
All those who became believers were together and had everything in common, 45 and they were selling their possessions (=or their real estate billion dollar empire they build over 100 years) and properties and distributing the proceeds to all, according to what each one needed. 46 And day after day they were in constant attendance in the temple with a united purpose, and they took their meals in different homes and shared their food with great rejoicing and sincerity of heart,
So here is the thing, you claim to be a follower of Christ sell everything, Bethel homes, World Headquarters,kingdom halls and put the money in the bank. Tell everyone to start meeting at home Bible study groups and create a universal fund that all jws around the world have access to and can claim financial relief according to their circumstances right? That's what the first Christians did right? Tell me where I'm wrong. But you know and I know that is the last thing they have in mind. What they have in mind is defrauding local congratulations from their Kingdom Halls and sell them at a market price, recent example the UK branch that defrauded local congregations from their kingdom halls and reported 250 million surplus in one their charities OR defrauding rank and file jws that struggle financially now like the brother in the photo by going after the property of their elderly parents who are so heavily indoctrinated that instead of leaving their property to their relatives the leave it to the Watchtower.